Paying Your Property Tax

Your property tax payment is due on 31 Jan 2019.

IRAS has sent out customized SMS reminders to those who have not paid and will be sending out final reminders in the last week of January. The SMS includes your property address, tax amount payable as well as your property tax reference number.

Property Tax e-Services

These e-Services available at will allow you to do the following:

  • Manage your preference for electronic or paper notices;
  • View your account summary (tax account details, payment plan schedule, statement of account, etc.);
  • View your property portfolio (annual value, tax rate, etc.);
  • View a copy of your notices/bills and correspondence; and
  • Apply for owner-occupier tax rates.
  • Apply for GIRO for your tax payment. (Currently for DBS/POSBNEW! and OCBC customers only)

Find out more information on our e-Services.

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